
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Mon. Dec. 21, 2020

By Tim Martin Dec 21, 2020 | 5:46 AM
Our Favorites at Christmas
With all the talk these days about how behemoths like Google track our every move, some of us are concerned about what people do with that data.
Lucky for us, some of it is pretty frivolous…like this from the folks at something called SEOBlog.com. They created a study based on Google Trends data and search results on various Christmas-related topics by state.
For example, based upon that data, Iowans prefer hot chocolate to eggnog…and more states as a whole did, too.
Iowans overwhelmingly select ham as the Christmas dinner entrée, as opposed to turkey, roast beef, or brisket. Very few states were more declarative about their chosen meat for the meal than Iowans. By the way, duck is actually the choice in states like Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
And given the strength of our Christmas tree industry in Iowa, this was a bit surprising…but more Iowans apparently prefer an artificial tree to a real one. Overwhelmingly, states preferred the real thing…40 of them prefer real to fake, in fact.
Honestly, I don’t know that I trust any of that data…and I’m pretty sure none of it matters. But literally, if there are folks spending their time pouring over Google Trends and this is the best they can come up with…maybe we don’t have as much to worry about with privacy as we might have thought. Then again, that’s just what they’d want us to think.

News/Talk 1540 KXEL · Iowa Politics — Mon. Dec. 21, 2020