Replay from the Past
If this segment sounds familiar, I promise that I wrote it just this morning. I could have gone back over any number of segments over the past decade, and simply copied and pasted language from them on this topic…because absolutely nothing has changed.
I’m referring, of course, to the fact that the government will partially shutdown tomorrow night unless the Senate miraculously passes the bill the House dumped on its doorstep Tuesday before leaving town for 10 days.
Apparently, it doesn’t matter who has the majority in the House, or the Senate; apparently, it doesn’t matter who is in the White House. Whoever is in the minority squeals about the lack of bipartisanship, whoever is in the majority can’t get enough votes without help from the other side, each side blames the other—and both sides then leave town promising to do better and checking public opinion polling to see whose fault we think the mess is.
Well, that one’s easy…they’re all to blame. Actually, we are too—for voting these same folks back into office despite such a poor but predictable track record.
It seems Congress is made up of people who, when they were in school, waited until the night before the term paper was due to start…staying up all night…then meeting the deadline at the last absolute second after asking for an extension…with a paper that may meet the bare minimum of requirements, but is hardly their best work.
Democrats who are pitching a fit now don’t want you to know that the bulk of the spending is tied to agreements passed when they held Congressional majorities…spending they all voted for when they were in the majority. Republicans also aren’t crazy for you to know that, because it exposes their failure to turn the spending train around after making campaign promises they would.
So the more things change, the more they stay the same. Unfortunately.