
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Wed. Jun. 19, 2024

By Jeff Stein Jun 19, 2024 | 5:24 AM

Polls and Promotions


It was announced Monday that the Biden for President campaign was spending $50 million on ads this month before next week’s presidential debate. They are calling them “Character Matters” and call Donald Trump “a convicted criminal who’s only out for himself.”


But remember that the Trump side says the prosecutions are political hit jobs engineered by the Biden team…so this Biden “victory lap” could actually play into the Trump narrative.


There’s a new Politico/Ipsos poll showing that 43 percent of all American say the charges were brought by prosecutors to help Biden. That’s a sizeable number. Of course, many of those folks think that’s just fine, since they’re anti-Trump folks…but the fact that nearly half of those surveyed, in a poll sponsored by folks not typically friendly to Trump, think these are political uses of the court system is striking.


That same poll, by the way, says 21 percent of independents say the convictions make them less likely to vote for Trump…but I have suspicions about any voter who claims to be independent or undecided in this race. There’s also evidence to suggest that folks often respond to pollsters in the way they think they are supposed to respond, so the actual number is probably lower…but in an election this close, every vote matters.


And the more scorched earth each side gets against the other…the greater the likelihood that true independents or undecided voters will tune all of it out and stay home…and $50 million of negative ads in a month doesn’t help that issue.