
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Tue. Oct. 08, 2024

By Jeff Stein Oct 8, 2024 | 5:20 AM

Here’s Another Scenario


Yesterday we discussed what might happen if Donald Trump was elected president next month, but Democrats would control both chambers in Congress.


Today, a “what if” for the time between election night and inauguration day.


Months ago, some Democrats suggested they were working on a plan that would deny Trump a victory in the electoral college, but refusing to certify the election because Trump was unfit to hold office due to treasonous activities, fomenting insurrections, felonious conduct while in office before, or being mentally unstable.


Yes, that would be to challenge the outcome of an election—which, depending on which side of the fence you’re on politically, is either a prison-sentence-waiting-to-happen…or the only way to save democracy as we know it.


Over time, Democrats have objected to slates of electors. Following the 2020 election, anyone who dared make such a challenge was prosecuted.


This time, however, the move would be within the halls of Congress—where Democrats hold a working majority in the Senate, and where the Republican majority in the House is so small, Democrats really wield the power. But since the actual election certification doesn’t happen until the new Congress is in place, the shenanigans would be through the group now in office. And again—that’s a Senate where the tiebreaking vote is made by the current vice-president…who is more than a slightly interested party in the outcome.


Now just like yesterday, I’m a bit into the weeds here, adjusting my tin foil conspiracy hat. But I’m not the ones who publicly said they were working to make sure Trump’s 2024 election would be disqualified. And I have no doubt those plans are in full motion, especially as the Democrat ticket continues to wither under the continued light of day.