
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Tue. Sep. 24, 2024

By Jeff Stein Sep 24, 2024 | 1:43 PM

Foreign Interference

We’ve heard about this the past couple of election cycles at least…foreign interference in American elections.

At the same time, more folks are acknowledging that the more vehemently someone blames another party for doing something…the greater they chance they are actually doing the same thing themselves, only worse.

That leads me to the visit of the Ukranian president to the U.S. this past weekend…specifically to the state of Pennsylvania. He toured a munitions plant with the Democrat governor and autographed a few missiles intended for use by his country against Russia. And while there, he said that Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are radical–his word–and Trump has no idea of how to end the Ukraine-Russia war, despite his claim to the contrary.

So the short of it is that a foreign president, one who is relying on U.S. support in an on-going war, traveled to a battleground state before the American election and gave his endorsement to one of the candidates, to perpetuate the party in power–the one that has favored gazillions of dollars for Ukraine as opposed to the other party which asks some questions about the spending. Far too few questions in some of our minds, but that actually makes this point more strongly.

Oh, and let’s make it even better…he flew there on a U.S. military plane at taxpayer expense, which makes the political statements even more of a violation of federal law.

For a while, President Zelenskyy was being cordial to both sides–smart move, since he needs to work with whoever is in the chair on January 20th of next year. But now, he appears to have put all his eggs in the Harris basket.

Pretty risky…unless you were promised something big right now…or threatened with the loss of something big right now.

Regardless, you have to wonder if those still making their voting choice will be impressed by the president of Ukraine and the president of Russia both endorsing Harris.

After all, it appears to be the only thing the two can agree on these days.