
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Mon. Sep. 09, 2024

By Jeff Stein Sep 9, 2024 | 6:00 AM

Her Values Have Not Changed
Since we last met in this space, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris did do an interview with a media outlet…her lone such interview since becoming the designated nominee. She shared the time with her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, in a session that lasted a total of 18 minutes.
18 minutes…that’s less than the length of the famous gap in the Nixon Watergate tape.
The line that she rehearsed and used no fewer than three times to respond to claims that she was flip-flopping on key issues like building a border wall, mandating electric vehicles, and fracking was basic: “My values have not changed,” she said each time.
I agree…her values have not changed. That’s because the only discernable value she appears to have is to achieve ever-higher positions of public office.
Her stances on major issues have been delivered passionately over time…while posturing in the U.S. Senate, during a brief and ill-fated run for the presidency, in lockstep defense of policies in the Biden Administration where she cast more tie-breaking votes while presiding over the Senate than anyone in history, and consistently said she was the last person in the room when major decisions were made.
But now, on the few issues where she has declared a stance, she’s taking a very different viewpoint now than in the very recent past…more in line with winning an election than maintaining intellectual honesty or consistency on positions.
No, her values have not changed…because her only value is to hold higher and higher public office. Again, not because she has an agenda to pursue, or a desire to wield power…it’s simply for the sake of a better job title.
In that way, it’s no different than the recent disastrous tenure of Republican Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. His goal was to become Speaker, without a plan for governance. We know how poorly that turned out.
When your only value is enhancing your own resume…it does not bode well for governing, and certainly not for serving the people of the country.