
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Fri. Aug. 16, 2024

By Jeff Stein Aug 16, 2024 | 6:09 AM

Putting the Band Back Together


It happens every election cycle; as the homestretch toward the general election approaches, the presidential campaigns—both sides—retool, shore up, and add people.


Last week, rumors floated about unrest in the Harris campaign. First, it came as a result of Harris loyalists and advisers taking top jobs at what was the Biden-Harris campaign. That was no surprise, the candidate herself or himself wants her or his people close by. Then came word that some of the Obama-era all stars were being trotted out, because nothing succeeds like success and they had won in the past.


Now comes word that the Trump campaign is restocking by adding former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski officially to the team. Other Trump campaign veterans like Tim Murtaugh, Alex Pfeiffer, Taylor Budowich and Alex Bruesewitz are joining the payroll.


There’s always a danger that when you reach outside and bring in people like this, there could be conflict. But the fact is that there are lots of folks, on both sides, who cycle in and out of campaigns all the time, drawing a paycheck from an institute or a PAC in between their “official” jobs.


Yes, there will be bruised feelings and toes that are stepped on through these moves. But as the traditional start to the November campaigns begins with Labor Day weekend, it becomes a sprint to November, and the need to have all hands on deck is vital—especially in an election that is going to again be oh-so-close, with widely opposed positions taken by each candidate.


Might do us all good to avoid any so-called reporting on so-called drama within the campaigns. Those are stories planted by folks who want to themselves advance at someone else’s expense. And it takes energy away from the actual issues, which I maintain should be most important.