
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Tue. Jul. 23, 2024

By Jeff Stein Jul 23, 2024 | 5:14 AM

Hope You’re Happy

President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 president race.

Republicans, hope you’re happy. From a political standpoint, you peaked too soon. Better to have pushed the “Joe can’t govern” narrative after he had been nominated. Instead, you walked into a trap.

Also Republicans, hope you’re happy. Because with so many of you calling for Biden to resign immediately, you’re setting the stage for Kamala Harris to begin her 2024 presidential campaign as an incumbent, the 47th president. Granted, if Mr. Biden is incapacitated, removal is appropriate. But it was like a political switch was flipped and the chants moved from “get out of the race” to “get out of the office.”

Democrats, hope you’re happy. Because so many of you pushed Biden out, you threw the whole process into turmoil and come off looking like anti-Democratic kingpins hand-selecting chosen candidates. The only thing missing is the smoke-filled room. If you hadn’t pushed Biden into doing an early debate, he could have waltzed to the nomination. Then handing off to Harris post-convention would have been smoother. Now you have a full-blown family feud, with some calling for unity behind a candidate who has never received a single national vote on her own behalf, while others want a game-show-like mini-primary.

Also Democrats, hope you’re happy. Because after you rigged the nomination process to guarantee Joe got the nomination without challenge, you’ve now got a crisis situation of your own making, and because you then forced him out, you blew your best chance to hold on to the White House.

Let’s face it, no one is looking good in all this…none of the factions, from within either party. And people wonder why folks are turned off by the political process.

These days, it’s no wonder.