
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Fri. Jun. 28, 2024

By Jeff Stein Jul 3, 2024 | 12:51 PM

The Plan

I have said here for weeks that I feared this early presidential debate might be a trap. My fear was that if Joe Biden performed poorly, the Democrats would have time to figure out how to get a replacement in there; a debate after the convention, as is traditional, would not have given them that chance.

Given how quickly and how uniformly the formerly mainstream media said the quiet part out loud last night, I’m really beginning to believe that Biden was actually set up to fail because those who run the Democrat Party could not figure out how else to push him aside.

That conspiracy theory goes like this: those in charge of the party did not plan to have Biden at the top of the ticket, but once he decided to run, they rigged the game (including when caucuses and primaries were held) to make sure no serious competitor could challenge him. They then pushed for him to call Trump’s bluff with debate rules that were on paper decidedly one-sided in Biden’s favor. They figured they couldn’t lose—if Trump declined the offer, they’d say they tried and they could hide Biden the rest of the campaign. When Trump accepted, they figured if Biden failed, that would be the trigger they needed to pick a different candidate.

I expected to hear folks like Fox and Newsmax say how poorly Biden did. What I did not expect were folks like MSNBC and CNN and their analysts talking about how their phones were blowing up with texts from elected officials and party poobahs expressing concern…and that’s the point, there was almost too much of it, too soon, in too orchestrated a manner to suggest it was a coincidence.

Sure, we all saw it with our own eyes. But the lack of support for the incumbent was striking. Of course, then again, so was Biden’s performance in—particularly—the first half of the debate.

I’m really starting to believe this whole thing is part of the plan for a Newsom/Whitmer ticket, or something similar, to emerge from the August convention—earlier, due to their need to nominate sooner to get on various state ballots. Biden is the best opponent for Trump because comparing their two records is easy to do, as opposed to a new Democrat who promises the moon and could fool people.

Let’s see if this “freak out” as some termed it continues by this time next week. Then you’ll know the fix is in, because it’s all in the plan.