
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Thu. Jun. 27, 2024

By Jeff Stein Jun 27, 2024 | 5:20 AM

What To Look For


The presumptive Republican and Democrat presidential nominees will share a stage in Atlanta tonight…the earliest general election presidential debate in history. Yes, you can hear it live on KXEL following the Mark Levin program, just before 8 p.m.


For Donald Trump, the key is to not take the bait dangled by CNN so-called moderators or Joe Biden, all of whom are hoping to get under his skin so he’ll stray from his plan. Trump is disciplined enough to do that…to turn the answer back to something he wants to talk about that impacts Americans, as opposed to an understandable instinct of volleying barbs back at them.


A Trump who focuses on the successes of his four years in comparison with the failures of the Biden four years…that’s the key to victory in the debate and in November. There’s not been a starker choice since Ronald Reagan famously came up with the “are you better off now than you were four years ago” line against Jimmy Carter in 1980…the Trump years vs. the Biden years, in terms of the economy, world peace, and on and on. A Trump who sticks to that message comes across well tonight.


I don’t think Joe Biden will stumble, either literally or figuratively. So many have bet against Biden in big speeches, including State of the Union messages, and yet for all his frailties, he somehow pulls it together for the limited time. Granted, it’s worse now. But I’d love to see Biden alert and responsive; because a Biden who falls apart will likely be replaced on the ticket, and Trump has a far better chance of beating Biden and his record as opposed to an unproven Democrat who promises the moon in comparison with the Trump record and fools enough voters to win.


In the end, I’m guessing most folks will find this to be a waste of time, with listeners and viewers hearing and seeing what they want to hear since they’ve already made up their minds. The spin from all sides will make you dizzy. But this likely won’t make any news, and won’t change any minds.