
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Thu. Mar. 14, 2024

By Jeff Stein Mar 14, 2024 | 6:10 AM

Don’t Call Them Illegals

The political left called out their President last Thursday, for daring to use the phrase “illegal alien” to describe an individual accused of murdering a nursing student.

Not that he was in the country without benefit of legal status. Not that he had already been arrested and released elsewhere because of “no bond” rules. No, the anger was because he called the person “illegal.”

He quickly chose a friendly interviewer on MSNBC to give him the chance to apologize for saying “illegal” and reverting to the phrase “undocumented” instead.

All the while, of course, no apology to the parents of the murdered woman for wrong-headed policies that cost her her life.

But for those who care about using the right words, let’s explore further. “Illegal”—which means “contrary to or forbidden by law”, and “alien”—which means belonging to a foreign country or nation. So someone who comes from another country into this one without following the law would be…wait for it…an illegal alien.

In deference to those who chant, “no person is illegal,” I’m willing to give you what you want. No more calling these folks illegal…instead, let’s go with “criminal”—because when you violate the law, that’s what you are…a criminal.

Maybe that’s the best way to think of what’s happening at both our southern and northern borders…a criminal invasion. Wonder if the “word police” will have a problem with that.