
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Wed. Feb. 14, 2024

By Jeff Stein Feb 14, 2024 | 5:58 AM

Plugging the Leaks

One of the early signs of trouble in the Trump White House was the large amount of leaks to the news media from inside the Administration. That’s a sign of folks on the inside not liking how things are going and leaking news tips to perhaps shift the policy course…or leaks by embattled office holders to curry favor in the court of public opinion to either solidify their position in the government, or so their impending firing doesn’t make them look as bad.

By contrast, the first three years of the Biden White House escaped much of that drama. Perhaps it’s because many of the Biden officials had worked there before in the Obama Administration and knew what a “last resort” such leaks are for staff members and high-ranking officials.

Lately, however, the White House has sprung a leak…lots of them.

We’re hearing about dissent concerning international affairs…fights between the Pentagon and the State Department. We’re hearing about dissent concerning the Hamas terror attack on Israel…and whether support for Israel should be reduced. Now, we’re hearing about dissent concerning the President himself…whether in order to bolster public confidence in the President’s abilities, it’s best to put him out there more—or less. And we’re hearing about dissent between those at the White House and those at the Biden re-election campaign…again, more public Joe or less.

All those leaks are typically signs of trouble…because otherwise, such disputes on policy and strategy would be debated behind closed doors to present a unified front to the world.

We’ll see if these leaks get plugged quickly…or if it’s going to be the new normal as winter turns to spring.