
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Mon. Aug. 28, 2023

By Jeff Stein Aug 30, 2023 | 11:39 AM


Around 250 people showed up at one time or another to be a part of our annual listener appreciation event this past Saturday, this year called the “KXEL Caucus Cookout”…we probably had about 200 in the large room at any one time.

And frankly, this is what the Iowa Caucus process is all about.

Folks got to meet, share a tasty pork loin sandwich from Tyson Fresh Meats, talk about issues, and find common ground. Three candidates and one future First Lady make their arguments from the stage, while supporters from three other campaigns shared with their neighbors why they were supporting one candidate or another.

If that sounds like what’s going to happen across Iowa on Monday, January 15, 2024…it is.

There were no outbursts, no disrespect…there were direct questions about how exactly one of those campaign promises or another was going to be carried out, but that’s what candidates quickly find when they come to campaign in Iowa—you all come prepared.

Some folks got pictures, some shared informational material about a pet project with a candidate…a number were quite gracious in their comments to me about the station, and we’re appreciative of that.

Our friends at the National Cattle Congress served us well once again…and the turnout doubled last year’s first-ever event…so thanks to those of you who traveled from Council Bluffs, Ames, Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids, Waverly…well, you get the idea.

Thanks to everyone who participated…and we look forward to our now-annual “KXEL Candidate Cattle Call” at the National Cattle Congress fair next month…just 23 days away.