
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Thu. Aug. 24, 2023

By Jeff Stein Aug 25, 2023 | 11:07 AM

That Was A Waste Of Time

Yes, I listened to the GOP presidential debate on KXEL and watched parts of it on Fox News Channel. I had low expectations going in, and in that respect, I was not disappointed.

Fox on TV was so caught up in trying to fly a drone with a camera into the arena…that they missed the cue for the national anthem and joined it a verse in, after already missing the pledge of allegiance—we saw the candidates and anchors with their hands over their hearts mouthing the words, but the audio was of analysts filling time.

From a TV production standpoint, things went off the rails with all that…from a content standpoint, things went off the rails soon after.

After the debate, I found I had 53 new emails…as expected, the Republican Party of Iowa said it showed what a strong field of candidates are running, while the Iowa Democratic Party tried to break a record for using the phrase “MAGA” in one news release.

Ron DeSantis won…or so his people claimed…as did those writing spin releases for Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Asa Hutchinson, Vivek Ramaswamy…and yes, even Donald Trump claimed he won by not being there.

I don’t have children or grandchildren, so I don’t have firsthand experience with day care centers…but I felt like I was watching a form of debate day care…with each candidate shouting or screeching louder than the other children, in a desperate attempt for attention and approval.

Too many predictable zingers and rehearsed talking points, too many overly simplistic answers due to the limitations of the format.

So, who’s ready for round two on September 27th?