
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Mon. Aug. 07, 2023

By Jeff Stein Aug 7, 2023 | 6:43 AM

It’s Caucus Cookout Time

Last summer, as part of KXEL’s 80th birthday celebration, we hosted a birthday picnic…and despite the very hot weather that day in June, KXEL listeners turned out in force.

So to thank you for supporting this radio station, we’re doing it again…and again, with some special guests.

Make plans now to attend the KXEL Caucus Cookout, on Saturday, August 26. Once again, we’ll be at the air-conditioned Pavilion building on the grounds of the National Cattle Congress in Waterloo…we’ll open the doors at 11 a.m., and be done by 3 p.m.  We’ll have free lunch and dessert for you…and we’ve invited all the presidential campaigns to participate, with presentations from the stage starting at noon.

While this is free and open to everyone, we want to make sure we don’t run out of food…so go to kxel.com and click on the “Caucus Cookout” logo scrolling across the main page. Or if you’d prefer, send me a text at 319-235-1540 and we’ll get you taken care of that way.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be telling you who will be on stage that day…campaigns always keep their schedules a little open until the last minute…but for now, make plans to attend and enjoy great food, good conversation, and connecting with fellow KXEL listeners.

Again, that’s the KXEL Caucus Cookout…Saturday, August 26, National Cattle Congress Pavilion in Waterloo, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. …reserve your spot by going to kxel.com. And thanks as always for listening.