
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Thu. Jul. 27, 2023

By Jeff Stein Jul 27, 2023 | 5:25 AM

Deal or No Deal

Speculation ran rampant about whether a federal judge would go along with the plea agreement reached in the Hunter Biden tax and guns cases.

Turns out it didn’t even get that far, because the two sides apparently didn’t agree…on what they agreed to.

And that’s really a surprise, because this is high-level stuff including the son of the sitting president…it’s not like an overworked junior prosecutor makes a verbal deal in the hallway with an overworked public defender, hoping to avoid a trial at the last minute, with them going before a judge and realizing they’d missed a few things.

This was not committed to writing via an exchange of lawyer letters, and a formal proffer to the court that was signed by all parties at the time the agreement was reported to the court?

It’s been 25 years since I practiced law full-time, and I know things have changed…but I doubt that much has changed.

On top of all that, there was a “misunderstanding”…or flat-out fraud…about a Biden lawyer’s assistant calling the clerk of court to have material removed from the court file that spoke negatively about Hunter Biden. Or that the First Son was at his lawyer’s house…and the lawyer was photographed smoking drugs from his balcony while Hunter was there?

We are well, well past “truth is stranger than fiction” stuff. Then again, who was really surprised that yesterday’s court proceeding would fail to go smoothly?

Although I certainly did not have “not agreeing on the fundamental terms of the plea deal” on my bingo card.