
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Fri. Jul. 16, 2023

By Jeff Stein Jun 17, 2023 | 11:44 AM

Arrogance with Power

A New York Post reporter yesterday asked President Joe Biden a question … that’s what reporters are supposed to do, ask questions that have not been screened or pre-approved.

The question, as a transcript notes, was as follows:

“Why did the Ukraine and FBI informant file refer to you as the ‘Big Guy,’ President Biden? Why is that term continuously applied?”

The President’s response? “Why do you ask such a dumb question?”

Now, the President may not have liked the question…but the fact is that the FBI file did in fact denote that reference…and it’s one that showed up in various other places, not the least of which was his son’s emails as found on his laptop.

There are a variety of other responses…often the President just walks away and ignores the question if he doesn’t like it, or was told not to take questions. Another would have been to say that the informant file was long ago reviewed by the FBI and no action was deemed necessary.

But the wise-guy reaction, that suggests either the question strikes a little close to home…or that there’s a sense of arrogance that comes with the power of the presidency. Probably a bit of both.

That arrogance is the thing that can be troubling. But then again, who has ever been held responsible for such misdeeds, committed by folks at such high levels? No wonder arrogance creeps in.