
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Wed. Jan. 25, 2023

By Jeff Stein Jan 25, 2023 | 5:20 AM

I’m Feeling Left Out

I started doing some sorting and cleaning in my office here…anything to avoid doing actual work…and that included a four-drawer file cabinet. It was pretty full of material from my nearly nine years here, plus files dating back many years before that when others sat behind this microphone.

I methodically went through file folders, opening them and going page by page through the contents—and no confidential government documents were found.

Then I checked another file cabinet in the news center…not nearly as full as the one in my office…but again, no confidential documents.

Given that they are apparently everywhere these days, I was starting to feel left out. So I went through more file cabinets at home, with things that literally date back to my childhood (and that’s quite a while)…but much to my disappointment, there are no confidential documents there, either.

What am I doing wrong? It took forever for YouTube to censor one of these commentaries…then another…but each was two years old, so hardly a threat to society. I’ve never been blocked or suspended from Twitter or LinkedIn, either.

If what we hear on the news is to be believed, everyone has confidential government documents floating around…but the best I can come up with is a piece of paper with the password to our home internet router—and I’m not turning that over to anyone.

Sorry to have failed you, but apparently once again I’m not part of the “cool kids”…I’ve gotten used to that, to be sure…but if somehow someone does plant a confidential government document in my office, you’ll be the first to know.