
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Wed. Jan. 11, 2023

By Jeff Stein Jan 11, 2023 | 5:44 AM

What’s In A Name

It’s not terribly well known by the public, but when a party gains control of one of the chambers in Congress, it has the chance to make tweaks and changes. That’s in part the conversation had on the “rules package” for the GOP-majority U.S. House. That legislation is designed so the body has rules to follow during the session.

Republicans made two name changes to important committees, and frankly I think not only that it was a good idea, but it is rather telling regarding attitude, and what may be to come.

The committee formerly known as “Education and Labor” is now officially the committee on “Education and Workforce”. Now, perhaps at one time, the phrases “workforce” and “labor” meant the same things…but in recent years, “labor” means “those who belong to a labor union”—and that’s only one segment of the workforce. You may think I’m nit-picking, but if you have listened to the rhetoric of this president during the 2020 campaign and since, he only talks about “good union jobs,” as if there are no other jobs that are good or desired. “Workforce” means development of a base of employees to move the economy forward…and that’s more than jobs requiring membership in a labor union.

Beyond that, the “Oversight and Reform” committee is now “Oversight and Accountability.” That’s a change that clearly suggests attitude of those now in the majority; not just that problems need to be unearthed and situations changed…but that if appropriate, those responsible for atrocities need to be held accountable.

So now that the GOP House is getting down to business, the question will ultimately be if those name changes signaled a real step forward to benefit citizens…or if it was just window dressing, polishing up a shiny new name without substance behind it.