
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Fri. Mar. 25, 2022

By Jeff Stein Mar 25, 2022 | 6:01 AM

DC In-Fighting
I don’t usually think much of books that use anonymous sources to spread scandal, particularly regarding government. I didn’t care for it when Donald Trump was in office, and feel the same way now that Joe Biden is president.
There is an interesting angle to a new book called “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s Future”…which dishes a fair amount of dirt on Kamela Harris.
The first interesting thing is that the book is written by two New York Times reporters. So if anything, you’d presume it’d be a lovefest–but that doesn’t sell books.
In the book, the vice president is blamed for just about everything. Biden’s communications director is reported as saying that this would not have been the first time Harris fell short of expectations…citing her Senate office, dreadful presidential campaign, and failure to complete assignments.
None of that is news to objective observers, but for it to be in a book like this and tied to a Biden official is interesting. The White House has denied it publicly, of course…but it makes you wonder if those behind the Administration are working various angles to discredit Harris so to bump her from the ticket in 2024.
That, of course, presumes Biden will run again, and his snide comments about Trump while at the emergency NATO meeting this week suggest nothing about stepping aside.
The book calls the Biden-Harris relationship “friendly but not close,” adding that “their weekly lunches lacked a real depth of personal and political intimacy”.  From what we can tell, that could be said about any of Harris’ relationship.
And the book dishes that Jill Biden was against Harris being selected, because she famously attacked Joe Biden in an early debate.
These highlights are only used to sell books, and this one doesn’t come out until May 3. One wonders if this is the best they have…and again, if it’s actually a deliberately planted story.