
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Fri. Aug. 06, 2021

By Jeff Stein Aug 6, 2021 | 1:16 PM

They Are Related

We’ve talked at length on the radio about the crisis at the U.S. border with Mexico. The administration says it wants folks travelling legally into this country to have to show proof of vaccination at the airport when they get here, masks are required on flights and in public places…but untold thousands are each day simply walking across the border without testing, without masks…and apparently with a high rate of COVID, not to mention the other ills of illegal immigration.

The administration says it’s not to blame for the influx in folks trying to come here since the last election. Words are fine, however action is a better test of their intention.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas had enough and ordered that vehicles suspected of transporting people illegally entering the country be stopped as a public health measure. The Biden Department of Justice sued and got a federal judge to block enforcement of that, signaling loudly to the world that they were not going to enforce laws on the topic.

The judge’s order was two days ago. The very next day, a van crammed with 30 people illegally entering our country was speeding and went out of control, crashing into a pole. A total of 10 people were killed, the other 20 injured.

You’ve probably been in those so-called 15-passenger vans before…they’re pretty crowded with 15 people in them, so imagine doubling that number. You can also imagine the situation when the vehicle rolled after hitting the pole at a high rate of speed.

That accident and loss of life could have been prevented in so many ways. But it’s clear that the very public stand by the administration blocking enforcement of our laws one day led to that van hurrying another load of folks violating the law across the border the next. They are related, and part of a deadly political game–all for the sake of gaining new voters.