
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Mon. Mar. 22, 2021

By Tim Martin Mar 22, 2021 | 5:33 AM
We All See It
It took the internet, talk radio, and cable TV by storm Friday…the video of the current president stumbling not once, not twice, but three times while climbing the stairs to board Air Force One.
Forget that the best the White House could do to explain it away was note that it was a little windy that day…10-14 mph.
Forget that the media took any slight issue with Donald Trump and blew it up as a major scandal…his use of a handrail while using stairs, sliding on a wet ramp, etc.
And forget that the current president had a few similar issues before taking office.
This is nothing new, the accusations that the current president is too frail–physically and perhaps cognitively–to handle the office. They were mentioned frequently during the campaign. He was still certified as winner of the election and is now president.
So to those who are now banging the drum about his condition…unless you want to see President Harris take charge, perhaps dial it back a notch.
That’s the outcome, after all…it’s different than during the election, when there was a comparison between Trump and Biden. But now, if Biden leaves office, we’re stuck with Kamela Harris as commander-in-chief and no one to hold her back from a massively progressive agenda. At least a hampered Biden might have a moment or two of lucidity each day, that might hold back some of the worst changes in what used to be our country.

Remember when the Speaker of the House set up a mechanism for forcing imposition of the 25th Amendment, to remove a president from office for not being fit to serve. Some at the time thought it was anti-Trump. In reality, it was to allow her to get the radical Harris in the office, since she obviously couldn’t get elected there on her own.

So unless you want to help Pelosi and Harris reach their California dreams…the less said, the better. After all…we all see it.

News/Talk 1540 KXEL · Iowa Politics — Mon. Mar. 22, 2021