
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Tue. Nov. 24, 2020

By Tim Martin Nov 24, 2020 | 6:09 AM
Delightfully Boring
That’s how Politico quotes one person, describing what would be a Biden Administration, if that does happen. Another, riffing off of Lincoln’s Team of Rivals, calls it “Biden’s Team of Careerists”.
They note that, so far, at least, it’s an administration filled with people who have deep experience in government, a “dutiful competence” as the Washington Post phrased it. Politico says it’s going to be folks who “believe in a linear, plodding, purposeful and standard policy process” in contrast with what they call the “impulsive policymaking and widespread leaks” of the past four years.
So the swamp media welcomes the return of swamp politics.
They concede that we’ll rarely see or hear from a President Biden, certainly in comparison with the media-savvy President Trump. No surprise, given the basement campaign we saw.
“This Administration will be of the Georgetown dinner variety,” Politico notes. “A return to briefing books and policymaking by political professionals who aren’t likely to try to burn down the White House over petty disagreements”. Again, they never have been fans of the current president.
“In other words,” they say, “if the Trump White House was like downing a vat of Tabasco sauce over the past four years, the Biden White House will be like sipping unflavored almond milk.”
The swamp may like that. But I’m pretty certain 74 million Americans didn’t mind a dash of Tabasco on their government. I wonder if, as currently stated, the other 79 million really want almond milk.

News/Talk 1540 KXEL · Iowa Politics — Tue. Nov. 24, 2020